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How to take care of pearl jewelry. Modern pearl jewelry

How to Take Care of Pearl Jewelry

We at Jewelry Olga always advise our clients on how to care for pearl jewelry
If you know how to care for pearl jewelry, your pearls will last for a very long time

Pearls, whether natural or cultured, are very delicate or soft in comparison to other gemstones.  Thus, we should take particular care of pearls if we want them to preserve their beauty for a long time.   Actually, this is not difficult at all.  You just need to know the basics of how to take care of pearl jewelry.

Please bear in mind that you:

  • should not toss pearl jewelry in a jewelry box with other gemstones.  Otherwise, pearls may be scratched or damaged;
  • don’t put your pearl jewelry in contact with other jewelry;
  • never drop your pearl jewelry.

Heat can dry your pearls.  So, this may cause cracks on their surface.   And pearls are very sensitive to chemicals.  As a result, chemicals can easily damage pearls.  Acids will eaten away the nacre or pearls may become dull loosing their luster.  Even lemon juice or everyday chemicals like body lotions, creams will damage your pearl jewelry.  Hence, put on your pearl jewelry after you have used your cosmetics. Moreover, it is highly recommended to take off your pearls before:

  • diving in the swimming pool;
  • taking a shower;
  • making exercises (imaging that your own perspiration may damage the pearls);
  • using the household cleaners.

Actually, the first rule of pearl jewelry care: Put on your pearls last and take them off first.

How to clean pearl jewelry:

Even body perspiration contains some acids.  Thus, we recommend cleaning your pearls:

  • Each time, after you wear your beautiful pearls, wipe them off using a soft cloth.  You should better use a damp cloth.  Or,
  • Rinse them in lukewarm clean water.
  • After, put them on a cotton towel to dry.
  • Don’t hang a pearl necklace or a bracelet.  Otherwise, the string may stretch.

If you have not cleaned your pearls for a long time, you may try cleaning them yourself.  Actually, it is not that difficult to do if you know how to take care of pearl jewelry:

·         Take a bowl of lukewarm water.

·         Add a few drops of a very mild hand soap.

·         Put your pearl jewelry into the water.

·         Clean each pearl with a soft cloth.

·         Check the areas around the drill holes.  Dirt may accumulate there.

·         Rinse the pearls is clean water.

·         Dry the pearls as it has been described earlier.

If your pearls are still dirty and you don’t want to run the risk of damaging them, you’d better bring them to your jeweller for professional cleaning.


  • Avoid using commercial jewelry cleaners unless this cleaner specifies that it is safe for pearls.
  • You should never use the ultrasonic cleaner.
  • Don’t use the steam cleaner.
  • Avoid using detergents, bleaches etc.
  • Never use abrasive materials or toothbrushes for cleaning the pearls.

Thus, you should know the tips on how to take care of pearl jewelry.  As for me, I never use commercial jewelry cleaners for cleaning my pearls.  All I use is water.  Sometimes, in rare cases, when our customers bring their pearl jewelry for cleaning, I do this a bit differently.  Then, I add a very soft soap in the water.  And I leave the pearls in water for a short time.  However, you may simply rinse your pearl necklace or bracelet in the water.  Eventually, you will see how pearls enjoy being cleaned like this.  Don’t forget that they were grown in water.   They will glow and look gorgeous!

By the way, when our customers bring their pearls for re-designing or re-stringing, the first thing we do at Jewelry Olga is cleaning the pearls.

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