How to clean pearl jewelry. At the time of Coronovirus

It is important to know how to clean pearl jewelry.


Pearl jewelry is durable if it is made of good quality pearls.  They may last for centuries.  We know the pearls that have been found many centuries ago.  One of these pearls is famous La Peregrina found in the 16th century.  This big baroque natural pearl has a long and exciting history.  It has belonged to many famous people. Its story has reached an apogee in 1969.  Then, Richard Burton has given this gorgeous pearl to his wife Elizabeth Taylor as a Valentine’s Day gift.  Since then, La Peregrina was one of the favorite jewels of Elizabeth Taylor.  This example demonstrates that pearl jewelry may last for centuries.  However, you should know how to take care of pearl jewelry.  As well, you should be aware of how to clean your pearl jewelry.

As we know,  pearls are organic gemstones.  They mainly consist of calcium carbonate.  This means that they are extremely sensitive to chemicals and to heat.  So, we should keep pearl jewelry away from chlorine bleach, vinegar, ammonia, hairspray, perfume, and cosmetics.  The list of chemical stuff may be continued.  These substances will damage the pearls surface.  As a consequence, pearls may become dull.  They may loose their luster.  They may even change color. For instance, they may become yellowed.

Actually, even lemon juice or everyday chemicals like body lotions and creams will gradually damage your pearl jewelry.

So, we should put pearl jewelry on after we finish spraying perfume or hairspray as well as putting on makeup.  And we take off the pearls first when we come back.  As well, do not forget to remove pearls before exercising.  Even perspiration may damage the pearls.

Pearl jewelry and Coronovirus

Today, at the weird time of Coronovirus, this word echoes in our mind.  Even if we don’t think of it.  Naturally, as a precaution, it is highly recommended to wash hands as often as possible.  We should also use a hand sanitizer. It is a great advice. We need to keep our hands clean.

However, following this advice, we may damage the jewelry that we are wearing.  I realize that, today, we are more concerned about our health and not about our jewelry.

Of course, we should be cautious and prudent. But the nightmare with Coronavirus will end one day.  We will be back to normal life.   And then you will not be happy to throw away your favorite pearl ring or your memorable pearl bracelet damaged by chemical stuff.  Because you were using the hand sanitiser to protect yourself from the coronovirus.

Depending on a composition of a hand sanitizer, when used regularly, it may tarnish your jewelry.  Moreover, it may cause stress corrosion cracks in low karat gold.  In addition, it may seriously damage the organic gemstones.  Of course, it may damage genuine pearls that are organic and that are sensitive to chemicals.

Pearls may be easily damaged.  To avoid this, you should clean your jewelry more often. You rinse it in running water and then dry it.

Pearl jewelry and hand sanitizer

What to do, if, by mistake, you spray your perfume or any other chemical stuff, including the hand sanitiser, on your pearl jewelry?  You should remember how to clean pearl jewelry. As soon as possible, rinse the pearls properly in the lukewarm water.  While rinsing the pearls, you may even rub each pearl gently with your fingers.  This will help to remove the chemical that has got on the pearls surface.

After, put your pearl jewelry on the cotton towel to dry it.  Do not hang your pearl necklace or your pearl bracelet.  Otherwise,  the silk thread may stretch.

Or, and I prefer doing this, take off your pearl ring or pearl bracelet before you use a hand sanitizer.   I would recommend treat all your jewelry the same way.

Again, I would like to repeat the first rule of pearl jewelry care.  Put on your pearls last and take them off first.  As well, do not forget how to clean pearl jewelry if needed.  Then, your pearl jewelry will remain bright and beautiful for generations to come.


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