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About pearl jewelry, its history, its peculiarity. Modern pearl jewelry

About Pearl Jewelry

Designer pearl jewelry created by Jewelry Olga
Contemporary pearl jewelry – a station pearl necklace

I am always looking for articles about pearl jewelry.  These may be publications in professional gemological editions.  As well, magazines intended for general public may present information about pearls.  It is interesting to see what people think and write about pearls.   How they perceive it. Often we use words “timeless” and “classic” to describe pearls.

It is appropriate to use the word “timeless”. Pearls have started being used as an ornament about four (!) thousand years ago or even more. Some scientists even state that pearls was the first type of jewelry worn by primitive people. I would say that those primitive people had good taste.  Actually, they were not primitive at all if they were able to appreciate pearls beauty.  Moreover, they were capable of designing (!) and making the primitive jewelry.  And they even did not have instruments nor or techniques…

By the way, not only women enjoyed pearl jewelry.  Men did not mind wearing it. Just think of the English King Henry VIII.  He lavishly embellished himself with fine jewelry including pearls. Indeed, in those days wearing pearls was the privilege of the royalty and high nobility. Unfortunately, the majority of women could only dream about having pearls.  Because pearls were so rare and expensive!

Revolution in jewelry industry

The situation has changed at the beginning of the 20th century.  A humble Japanese Kokishi Mikimoto managed to culture pearls in the oysters. This was a revolutionary event.  Pearls have become affordable for women of different social strata and budgets.  Then, a standard pearl jewelry, a strand of white pearls, has become an essential part of a woman wardrobe.

“Classic” is the word also used when speaking about pearl jewelry. However, we get tired of what we have and wear for years. For a short period of time, this has happened to pearls.  People start associating pearls with something old-fashioned and, even, boring.  They think that pearls are not fancy and trendy at all. Often, speaking about pearls people used the phrase “grandmother pearls”.  Thirty or forty years ago, this statement could be true. However, nowadays, the situation has changed completely.

About pearl jewelry at Jewelry Olga

Today, the jewelry market surprises us now and then. Not only different types of pearls exist today. Much more than that. Pearls may have various colors, shapes, sizes and even textures.  Jewelry Olga easily gives a new and fresh look to a classic pearl jewelry.  We transform it into “contemporary classic” .  We give this name to one of the collections of our designer pearl jewelry. Using colorful pearls or pearls having interesting shapes, Jewelry Olga creates stunning and innovative jewelry.  Actually, we witness the revival or the Renaissance of pearls!

Pearls have become a must for a modern stylish woman.  Women may wear classic or contemporary pearl jewelry.  And they enjoy wearing it.

Do you want to change your typical image? Do not be afraid to put on a piece of pearl jewelry that you have never worn! This will give you an astonishingly new and fresh look making you feel different and special. Maybe, once in a while we should break the standards!?

We may endlessly speak about pearl jewelry. However, instead of talking of it, it is better to wear it.  Then, you will to feel how beautiful the pearls are. How stunning and unique we may look.  Just wear elegant, timeless and, nevertheless, contemporary designer pearl jewelry!

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